Does GuideGuide support Adobe XD?

GuideGuide supported Adobe XD from October 2018 to December 2022. I originally added support for Adobe XD as Adobe was launching plugin support in the application. The APIs they provided were limited at the time, and the XD verison of GuideGuide was, at best, a hack.

In the four years this version of GuideGuide existed, Adobe never added formal guide support to their APIs, and model in which they in-app events wasn’t condusive to a good experience for a plugin like GuideGuide. I believe it was never possible for a good version of GuideGuide to exist for XD, and had I been able to see the future, wouldn’t have built it. Rather than continue a sub-par, two star earning user experience, I decided to remove support for Adobe XD at the end of 2022 to avoid poluting its reputation.


If you are a customer that signed up to use GuideGuide exclusively with Adobe XD… well I’m sorry. I’m not sure why you gave me your money in the first place:grimmace_emoji:. If you are still within a billing cycle of a GuideGuide license, you may contact support for a full refund of your latest charge.