Due to an ongoing attack against my payment provider that is unrelated to GuideGuide, it may not be possible to sign up for GuideGuide. This issue does not effect current customers.

If you would like to purchase GuideGuide but temporarily cannot, please contact me . I will provide you with a temporary license that will work until this issue is resolved.

Pay (Kinda) What You Want

Each tier is identical. Pick the plan that fits how you use GuideGuide, or just blindly give me your money. I like money.

Where does the money go?

To me, Cameron McEfee. GuideGuide is just one guy, a former creative director, designer, and illustrator who managed to turn a side project into a… front project. Your annual support makes it possible to keep GuideGuide up to date, support the latest design tools, and start new projects.

Photo of a man eating very large ribs. He’s quite handsom and also humble. The photo was clearly taken more than a decade ago.

Free for students and teachers

School is the best time to learn about professional tools and the hardest time to pay for them. Both students and teachers may use GuideGuide for free for the duration of their education or employment.

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Free for influencers

Kidding, sort of. I’m trying to spread the good word of GuideGuide. If you make a video or tutorial about GuideGuide, I’ll add a free year to your license.

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