Welcome to the GuideGuide Education Program

So, you’ve just got yourself an education license — that’s great! I hope you’ll enjoy the experience. If you haven't already, be sure to download and install GuideGuide.

Download GuideGuide

Activate GuideGuide

Your first order of business is to get GuideGuide running. Once you have GuideGuide installed, launch your application, then open up GuideGuide.

Enter the education license key that you received from me or your instructor. If all goes well, GuideGuide will show you the status of your license and you can begin using GuideGuide.

If you’re looking for where to start, check out the Getting Started guide.

What to expect

Your education license lasts for one year, starting on the day you activate it. As you get close to the end of your year, GuideGuide will show you the status of your license with a link to renew it, if you still qualify, or you can visit this page .

Good luck!

If you run into any issues, you can always contact me for support. I hope you enjoy GuideGuide. Good luck with your educational journey!